Common Health Conditions
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Here are some common health conditions for woman:
Weight Gain
High levels of stress hormone such as cortisol can cause unstable blood sugars and may increase sugar cravings.
High estrogen levels may interfere with thyroid gland functions and result in weight gain. High levels of testosterone and /or DHEAs may be associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition that makes it difficult to lose weight.
Restoring hormone balance may or may not lessen mood symtoms but many woman experience some relief from mood disorders when hormone balance is restored.
Sleep disturbances
High or low levels of cortisol may affect sleep, as may low levels of estradiol. For some postmenopausal woman, difficulty sleeping is directly related to hot flashes and night sweats, which are often signs of hormone imbalance. Many times, when hormone imbalances are corrected, sleep issues may also be resolved.
Hot Flashes
Too little estrogen can be associated with hot flashes, but so can supplementing with too much estrogen. Monitoring the right amount of estrogen is one factor in controlling hot flashes.
Bone Loss
Testosterone and estradiol help built bone, while high cortisol tends to break down bone. High cortisol not only accelerates bone loss, but also interferes with the bone-building action of testosterone.
Breast Cancer
A common pattern of hormone imbalance shows up in woman with breast cancer: above average estradiol, below average progesterone, above average evening cortisol and out of range DHEAs.
Here are some common health for conditions for men:
Bone Loss
Testosterone and estradiol help built bone, while high cortisol tends to break down bone. High cortisol is of concern because it breaks down bone and interferes with bone-building action of testerone.
Erectile Dysfunction
Testosterone receptors are plentiful in the brain, so a lack of testosterone may result in a decreased arousal response. Testosterone is also required for muscle contraction, so low testosterone may result in a poor erection quality or it can lead to increased “wait” times between erections.
Memory Loss
Since testosterone receptors are abundant in the brain, low testosterone levels have a tendency to affect the memory.
Many men experience some relief from mood disorders when hormone balance is restored.
Breast Enlargement
Those men who have a tendency to carry extra weight around the middle have more of the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen and increased estrogen can lead to breast enlargement.
Weight Gain
High levels of cortisol can cause unstable blood sugars levels and may increase sugar cravings.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH)
Many men over 60 years old have signs of prostate enlargement. This is known as BPH. Researches have suggested that low testosterone and/or high estradiol may be contributing factors in prostate enlargement.